Cliff Edmondson


I had been living in sin for 35 years, had done everything and was going nowhere. I had to find something that worked. I had always believed in Jesus but life was hard. I lost my mother on my 6th birthday. My father let me raise myself…which led to a lot of sin.

My sin kept getting deeper and deeper. Addiction and alcoholism kept growing stronger and stronger. I hit so called bottom and went to jail and the withdrawals from alcohol were so bad I knew I had to quit. Two different people pointed me to Good Samaritan Ministries. It was divine intervention that two people from two different walks of life pointed me here.

When I got here I realized following the rules and reading the Bible was the easy part. Applying the Bible to your life is the hard part. But the deeper I got in the Bible and the closer I got to Jesus the more blessings I received.

Then I hit a stumbling block. I had to serve 90 days in jail for failure to pay child support. This time jail was a blessing. I saw it as a missionary trip instead of serving time. I wanted to show other people through my actions that I was a changed person. So  many people I knew before arriving at Good Samaritan were amazed at the change in my life. I still minister to some of them through mail. Despite all the blessings I know I still have to my armor on at all times because the devil is always there to pounce.

I’ve been hired on as staff which is what I’ve prayed for because this is what I need. I know me and I know the devil. I need the structure and accountability of Good Samaritan Ministries. Every morning I pray for and thank God for my health and salvation.

I don’t know what else to say but “Praise God!”